- Altimeter is working
- ASI is working
- Tach is working (no sensor, just tested pulsing pin 2 line)
- Added an up/down button on digital 4 & 5 INPUT_PULLUP
- Barometer setting page. If you hold the up or down button for a second, it switches to pressure setting mode. if you let go for 2 seconds, it goes back to regular flight mode. Local barometer is permanent, on reboot it will remember your last setting.
- Setup Mode: If you boot with up & down both pressed, it goes into setup mode.
Pressing the down button selects the next parameter; up button sets and stores the current value
Setup menu cycles through the following:
- Airspeed Sensor static pressure
- Airspeed Sensor 6.5" of Water (87kts)
- Oil Temp in Ice Water
- Oil Temp in Boiling water
- Oil Pressure Static
- Oil Pressure RunUp (assumed 80psi)
- Tested the sensors and "calibrate" functions on the ASI. If you blow into it with a straw it goes nicely from 0 to 100+kts. All set via calibration feature built in.
I destroyed the compass sensor :( by hooking up the 10DoF module backwards which put +5v on an 5v intolerant output pin of just the compass. So I ordered another (cheaper 3-axis compas + BMP180 unit). So yeah, can drop the cost even more. But it won't have 6-axis of acc/gyro.
Left to do:
- Re-wire to a permanent soldered board (currently just testing on a breadboard)
- Hook up the oil temp sensor, I have it, just needs a voltage splitter resistor and calibration
- Hook up the oil pressure. I don't yet have this sensor, but same voltage splitter.
- Cleanup the code
- refactor into separate files each functions (init, normal, baro, setup)
- Make a smaller integer-math / degrees (vs radians) version of atan2
- Make a smaller integer-math barometer library (very large)
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